Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Time Travel Thursday #46 - All work and no play...

Welcome to the 46th Time Travel Thursday linky party at the Brambleberry Cottage!

Are you ready to do some traveling? Great; 'cause time never stands still!

I've been picking, stemming, washing, pitting, and freezing cherries, off and on for a week now!

And I have to admit, what started out as a fun endeavor has now turned to WORK!!!

ALL WORK and NO PLAY makes Liz a very unhappy girl!

I just decided to play with my food for a couple of hours this afternoon.  ; )

My pretty white vintage basket—full of bright red cherries—looks rather quaint sitting cheerfully atop the old milking stool by the barn.

A charming 1930s china bowl makes the perfect vessel to display these delicate dainties.

And at the end of a very busy day, a refreshing cool drink makes all that effort worthwhile!

Now that I've had a few hours to play, it will be easier to get back to work and finish the task at hand.

I guess spending a week working out in the heat wasn't all that bad

Linking to Rebekah and Bridgette's for Anything Related, Mary's for Ruby Tuesday, Diane's for 2nd Time Around Tuesday, Susan's for Outdoor Wednesday, Mary's for Share the Love Wednesday, Sue's for Rednesday, Suzanne's for Vintage Thingie Thursday, Tracie's for Cottage Flora Thursdays, Cindy's for Show and Tell Friday, Deborah Jean's/Amy's for Farmgirl and Farm Friend Friday, Tricia's for Photo Feature Friday, Debra's for Vintage Inspiration Friday, and Amy for Homestead Revival.



  1. Love your pics! Those cherries look beautiful!Hate it too when fun things turn to work, but I guess that's a part of life, eh?

  2. Hi! All the photos were wonderful and but my favorite by far is the heart shaped glass with the cherries in the middle that's awesome! Perfect placement of the leaves with them. I know what you mean - it's work to get those kinds of things done and they seem to never end. What a blessing to have them and the work. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment/story on my blog. I enjoyed it ... very true! If we'd just learn from all around us! Take care, Love, Jenn

  3. Those cherries are so pretty. I love cherries and the fact that you have so many is amazing. What great desserts you must make. I could go for the cherry cocktail right about now. It's before dinner here in Calif.

  4. I am sure it is a lot of work, but look what you have in return. Those wonderful tasting cherries. Wish I had some right now. Love them. I would probably be sick if I was there.

  5. Those cherries look PERFECT!! We have a cherry tree also, but ours will not be ready for a while yet. My husband lifts me up in the bucket of his tractor to pick them: we got lots of comments from the neighbors driving by when I was pregnant and up there picking them! :) They were worth it! :) I'm new here. Have a super week!! :)

  6. All of these beautiful cherries...but I can see how it is a lot of work to prepare them although I am sure you will appreciate it later. The drink looks delicious! Yummy

  7. Oh my gosh, Liz, if I lived closer, I'd help you pick them!! lol All the cherries look so delicious and so pretty too!!!

  8. Cherries look soo beautiful!
    Have a nice day:)

  9. I don't want to minimize the work you must do but I am just in awe of all those delicious cherries! Blueberries are easy to come by here in Maine, but not cherries! I think you chose a wonderful way to take a break and then get back to your rewarding task. So, so pretty, delicious to eat and good for you. Wish we could share THINGS as easily as we share ideas, wishes and dreams. Now, get back to work, hah!

  10. I love cherries more than anything. I hate pitting cherries more than anything...

  11. Your images show why people say Life is just a bowl of Cherries - it just lifts the heart to see them!

  12. Oh I love cherries! Right now, they are just so expensive here...but when they come down...I will almost make myself ill. Love your post!

  13. OH MY! those cherries look amazing! Could you box a few up and send them to Florida! heehee! I can't wait to find them in the stores! ♥

  14. Your cherry pictures are really pretty. We used to pick a cherry tree on the farm with three generations of women. There was a lot of fun tales from that annual cherry picking event. Your post reminded me of it. Thanks for having us! I am originally from KY and married and moved to IL and my Dad tells me I sound like a Yankee. I have now lived in IL as long as I have lived in KY. LOL

  15. Oh, gosh, your awesome pics are just leaving me weak in the knees! The one of the cherries in that beautiful basket atop the milking stool is my favorite!! Awesome, all of them!

    Thanks so much for hostessing this fun event ~ I've just linked up. And you are such a doll for giving my Wedding Blog party another shout-out! I love you for helping spread the word!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  16. Your cherries look delicious! Thanks for hosting your party each week.
    I hope it's okay to link up a tutorial this week, although it's not really time travel related, except we all wore diapers sometime in the past :).
    Have a great day!
    ~ Julie

  17. Nothing says summer like a colander full of cherries. Your pictures are wonderful...I can taste the pie!

  18. You already have cherries in North Carolina??? Wow! The photo of the colander of cherries ---actually, all the photos of the cherries --- just wonderful.

  19. Thanks for sharing your delicious cherry post at Cottage Flora Thursday's today! xoox, Tracie

  20. Well, here I am...late to the party. I could have sworn I linked up last night but guess not. ANYway, I'm here now. :))

    Love all the ones you featured..and love your cherry photos.:))

  21. I love cherries too!

  22. Oh you lucky girl!!! Those cherries look so yummy. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful too. This is my first time to visit, but I shall return!! ;0)

  23. How lucky you are to have your own cherry trees!! Yum. They look perfect in your pics too
    great shots.

  24. Waaaaa! I don't want to write about cherries! I only want to EAT them! Please get back to me and let me know if I can still participate in your Time Travel!

    I can eat as many cherries as you can pick! Of course, I might get sick and throw up, or spend two solid days in the bathroom, but so what??? They are so good!!!

  25. See my comment in Time Travel Thursday!!

  26. I love those first two photos! Look at the abundance of cherries...they're picture perfect aren't they?! Thanks so much for sharing your post at Photo Feature Friday. Have a good weekend.


  27. Those cherries look gorgeous! There is something about cherries that always looks cheerful and happy. And, that cocktail looks very refreshing. Have a great weekend.

  28. wow, your photos are great!!! perfect little patriotic theme, too! Now, I'm ready for that tall, cool drink! thanks so much for linking up with VIF! xo Debra

  29. Hi Liz--You are featured on today's Share the Love link party! Thanks so much for linking up this great post. Hope you'll be back to party again!

  30. Just saw your cherries in the colander pict on Pinterest. LOVE this photo. So beautiful. :) Great pics on your blog...came to look at the one pict and stayed for an hour. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to comment.