We demonstrate our love every day to the special people in our lives.
But, there are certain days set aside during the year—such as birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day—when we can exhibit our love and devotion in unique and fun ways—
ways that make that particular day stand out when compared to the other 364.
Each year, I spend the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day trying to choose an unusual, fun way to express my heart to my beloved Yankee.
Shall I share a few of those past gestures of my affections with you?
Let me take you back to the very beginning—before he and I were even married.
Remember those fun paper chains we used to make when we were kids?
One particular year, I made a very special, rather long chain—100 links—for the Yankee.
What made it special? On the inside of each paper link, I hand wrote a specific reason why I love him.
Each day—for the ninety-nine days leading up to that special one—he tore off a link and read my sentiment.
I had taken those ninety-nine expressions of my heart and shuffled them in a basket,
drawing at random to make the chain.
Even I didn't know which one he would be reading
on which day—except for the last link, which I had purposely chosen to be read on the final day.
Each morning, he would read my words of love and then call me to let me know which one he had opened that day.
It was a fun way to share our hearts long distance for one hundred days!
Photo Credit: Doreen Frost of Vermont Harvest Folk Art
The Yankee attended a small Bible college for a few years—in the early years of our marriage.
During that time, I only saw him on weekends.
One of those years, I paid him a surprise visit at school on Valentine's Day.
I had purchased a bouquet of red Mylar heart balloons—one for every year we had been married.
After drafting one of the Yankee's fellow students into service to deliver the balloons, I hid to watch his reaction.
To make this an even more memorable occasion, I waited until the entire faculty and student body was assembled in the cafeteria for lunch for the bouquet to be delivered to him.
Being a predominantly male student body, the noise level of that large cafeteria during lunchtime was usually quite intense.
But, when the Yankee's schoolmate entered the room with those balloons, you could hear a pin drop.
All eyes watched intently as that shiny bouquet was delivered to its intended recipient—my sweetheart.
That occasion was so memorable that it was the talk around campus for weeks—among students and faculty! ; )

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
That couldn't be more true for my guy. He especially likes gourmet items—all the more, if they're sweet.
Over the years, I have found wonderful specialty treats—at incredibly low prices—at stores like T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross…
and, conveniently enough, there is usually a very large selection of these items that goes on clearance right after Christmas.
On more than one occasion, I've gathered an assortment of gourmet goodies and placed them in a decorative basket as a surprise for my Yankee.
And guess who gets to keep the pretty basket? ; )
My honey has quite a sweet tooth—especially for dark chocolate.
Thankfully, discount stores—like those I mentioned above—provide a wonderful variety of quality sweets.
You can choose to buy those packaged for Valentine's Day, or be frugal—like me—and purchase from the clearance section.
The Yankee has received quite an assortment of dark chocolates over the years. And…he has even shared them with me!
Could that be why the gift of chocolates has been duplicated a few times?!
I'll share one final fun Valentine's gift idea with you.
Have you ever used conversation hearts as miniature love notes?
One year, I bought a bag of the larger hearts and strategically placed them throughout the house and car, for the Yankee to find.
I matched the saying with the location where it was placed.
Throughout the day, he would find those tiny messages and be reminded of my love.
Just one note of caution here: count the hearts and make a list of where you leave them.
Otherwise, there may be a very sticky surprise in your future!
Otherwise, there may be a very sticky surprise in your future!
Now…can you say Chocolate Mint Bliss?
Today I will be adding a delicious bag of Ghirardelli chocolates to the giveaway assortment.
Today I will be adding a delicious bag of Ghirardelli chocolates to the giveaway assortment.
So…what are the special ways you show your love on Valentine's Day?
Reminder: Please be sure to publish your
Valentine's post, before you link to the party. And
don't forget to mention the Brambleberry Cottage
in your post.
don't forget to mention the Brambleberry Cottage
in your post.
Don't forget to leave a comment
to be entered in this week's drawing for the giveaway!
to be entered in this week's drawing for the giveaway!
1. bj 2. Jenn Raley 3. Donna 4. Meghan | 5. Marilyn 6. Ann-Tin and Sparkle 7. Tammy- Chocolate 8. anat |
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