Friday, August 6, 2010

A Bit of Barn Envy

I thought I would show you some of the incredible barns
I've discovered while visiting New England. 

If you're a barn chick—like me—you'll love what I've found! 
Just take a look for yourself.

The rustic, time-weathered wood, simple lines, and contrasting red
doors of this beauty—in historic Deerfield, MA—made this barn
one of my absolute all-time favorites.

After weeks of observing the numerous barns dotting the landscape
 throughout New England, I've discovered red 
to be the most popular color.

Though only portions of this oldie were visible above the corn stalks,
I really liked what I could see.

The morning I happened upon this snow-white beauty,
it was rather foggy.  But the fog-covered mountains simply served to produce a 
wonderful, ethereal backdrop for it.

I was astounded at how incredibly large many of the barns were that I found!

What on earth was all that space used for?

I'm unsure whether this fire station—again, in historic Deerfield, MA—was
newly constructed to look old or whether it was truly an old barn
that had been repurposed.

Either way, I liked the colors and the cupolas on the roof.

Though smaller than the majority of the barns I found around New England,
these two tiny tots were quite charming
in their quaint, bucolic settings.

The stacked-stone foundation on this one—located in New Hampshire—
was one of the features I liked best about it!

And this picturesque view—of an old tobacco barn, in a valley
behind the 1771 Town Hall of Whately, MA—was the highlight of one of the days spent
touring around New England, scouting out noteworthy old barns.

The cupola on this massive madame reminded me of one you would
see on a church.  No doubt, it could hold a rather large congregation.   ; )

It was totally worth the climb—up a steep hill, in flimsy sandals—
to get a peek at this old gal, hidden behind the lush greenery.

There's actually a quaint little eatery attached to this barn.
The Yankee and I had breakfast there one morning—accompanied by my in-laws.

This weathered warrior—looking even more rustic amid all 
that floral glory—was located behind a creamery
where we stopped for ice cream.

I have never seen a barn with this
particular design before.  Have you?

Here you see two of my favorite things playing nicely together...
an old barn and antiques.

We were very excited to find this rustic cutie on an old country road
where the Yankee grew up.  He actually played in this structure as a child.

This country charmer belonged to a school dedicated to training "new" farmers.

But, of all the barns I've been able to photograph so far during this trip,
 this last one is my very, very favorite.

I truly love my quaint little farm back in NC, with its wonderful
old barns and outbuildings, but I must admit...

I'm dealing with a bit of barn envy
after spending several weeks in New England.   ; )

Linking all this vintage barn charm to Maryt's Ruby Tuesday,
 and Suzanne's Vintage Thingie Thursday.


  1. I too ♥ barns! Check out my last blog & see some great barns I photographed on my trip to Iowa. Also be sure to check out the Barn Quit blog's SUPER!!!!!!

  2. Oh my, what an array of awesome barns! Each one of your photographs are just awesome! Three weeks in New England, what a treat!~


  3. Hello Liz! Thank you so much for visiting me today at my Barn Chicks post, and also for signing on as a follower... I stopped by your place several times earlier, but your barn post was not up yet, so I just kept checking back and wow! These are some gorgeous barns! Now I too am having barn envy (although I LOVE all of the ones around my home sooo much!)... I think that last one you showed is my favorite as well, but the antique store, well, I could just spend all day in that one! I read your profile and we have many things in common... it is so fun to meet new friends with similar interests! I am signing on as a follower on your blog too... I also love how you described your "prissy and primitive" romantic union! Too cute! xoxo Julie Marie

  4. wow! those are some fantastic barns. I cannot believe the great shape they are in too. Around here, also in New England, most of the barns are in poor shape. And red barns are my favorite. I dream of having a big red barn. wonderful post, thanks so much for being a Barn Chick and the link!
    can I add you to the linky?

  5. OMG, what beautiful barns I just love them all... thanks for sharing!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  6. I love barns too!! These are some great shots!!

    Hope you can stop over and enter my giveaway for a $40 gift card!!

  7. Loved the tour and the little greenhouse-definetely a step up from the one's my dad's been making!

  8. All are awesome but I adore that large white one. We have only small ones in the South. These great big ones I never get to see. hugs♥olive

  9. Just gorgeous!
    Can't beat an old red barn. :-)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your barn photo's with us. The north east has some BEAUTIFUL old barns and you are very lucky to have captured some of them with your camera. After discovering that a neighbor tore down a beautiful old barn before I got off my butt and got a picture of it and then loosing our barn to a fire last week I truly appreciate the beautiful of these old monuments. They are a piece of history that is disappearing. You found some real beauties on your trip up north. have a wonderful weekend....Maura :)

  11. What beautiful old barns and such gorgeous countryside! Love love love!


  12. Wow! What wonderful images. Looks like a bit of that New England Mist in a couple of them :)
    Love the "antiques" barn~Red barns are my fave..though I like the picture of the white one too with the horse out front.

  13. Fabulous picture, fabulous barns. What stunningly beautiful country! I need to get there! Thanks for the tour.

  14. Hi Liz~ what beautiful barns and countryside photos! It's so interesting how barns across the country have different styles~ the Northeastern barns are really lovely! Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog~ I've really enjoyed my visit to yours, too...I'm a new follower! So nice to make a new blogging friend!

  15. WOW Wonderful photos of barns! Isn't it addicting once you start?? I am hopeless now!

  16. Wow, Those are gorgeous! New England is such a beautiful place. Thanks for taking the time to photograph these and share them with us.
    Blessings and hugs, Beth

  17. Beautiful barns. I especially like that white one. I couldn't tell it was foggy in the background, it just looked really pretty with white on white.
    Someday I'd love to come visit your neck of the woods!
    Blessings! Lisa ;-)

  18. Hey There! I was gettin worried where you were. I got your message, but your blog was quiet. With all you've had going on I bet you're tryin to get everything back to normal after the trip! Love those barns. My fav is the Cantilevered Barn In Cades Cove in the Smokey's Thanks so much for the little ride around:)

  19. I love old barns too! You took some beautiful photos!

  20. The barn photos are all beautiful and make me smile. Thank you for sharing them.

    I just found your lovely blog. I'll be back again sweet friend.

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  21. Hi Liz...I'm just now makin' in over to all the gals from the Barn Party! What fabulous pictures my friend. They are all so wonderful and I've loved taking them all in.

    Beautiful photography!


  22. Hello Liz...thanks for stopping was so nice to 'see' you. You're so fortunate to be able to visit that part of the country...I hope you get to visit it again in the fall as I bet the fall colors are just gorgeous. I know how much work going to these shows can be. I had a shop in British wasn't an antique store but I sold antique reproductions and lots of old fashioned looking things...beautiful embroidered tablecloths and pillow cases, crystal, wicker and oak furniture etc. Anyway we used to go to the local home show from Friday until Monday and putting up a booth and packing furniture and items back and forth and then being in the booth all day for the weekend was very tiring. So you're very lucky that you're getting out and seeing the sights. Thank you SO MUCH for showing us the barns...we just don't see many that nice here in Kansas. Have a wonderful Wednesday...Maura :)

  23. Ohhhh...I LOVE barns! In fact, I have a barn blog: I'm based in Southern California and we don't have many old barns, but I search for them constantly! What beautiful ones you've posted!

  24. Fancy, simple, unique, formal, shabby and pristine... these are some of the barns in your post. Who knew? They all evoke a feeling of simplicity wholesomeness to me! I am a big fan of red barns! There is something solid about a red barn. Traditional and steadfast.
    What a great post. YOur photography is perfection. You really captured the barns in all their country glory!
    What a lovely visit!

  25. We do have some great barns but what I've learned is that they are just as wonderful all over the country. The shot with the field of Zinnia's is spectaclar.
    I love your blog and now I'm your latest follower!

  26. Beautiful old barns! Have you seen the Hospice Barn in NC. It is fairly new, right off of the interstate (I-26). I will try to get a picture the next time I go.

  27. Wow!! These are some really, really BEAUTIFUL old barns!! Some of them are truly unique... gorgeous! One of my favorite antiques shops is housed in an old barn. I just love it!
    I'm so glad you visited, and thanks for your lovely comment and becoming a follower. I was happy to do the same. You have a lovely blog!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Jo :)

  28. Gorgeous barns! Just found you and the barn chicks - I want in! ;-) Missed the party but will enjoy looking round your beautiful blog more!

  29. Thanks so much for stopping by earlier! I am so happy you became a follower...I did the same! Wasn't the barn party fun! I so enjoyed visiting your barns on Friday and again today! They're beautiful!


  30. Those were awesome barns and photos...thanks for sharing!

  31. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Your blog is so beautiful!
    Have a nice day, Yvonne

  32. OH, I am a barn chick too! I love old barns, my daughter lived in Pennsylvania and I would love to just go on drives and see the great barns they have their! Love it!

  33. Old barns have a special meaning in my family...thanks for these pics...and I really want to dig thru the one with the antiques!!

  34. What amazing barns!!! Love them! Did you see my post from a couple of days ago about the B&B on the farm?

  35. Great post and wonderful pictures! I love old barns too, they hold such a great interest and beauty. Have a great VTT!

  36. I love this post! Thank you so much for the wonderful tour!

    Happy VTT,

  37. Yes I have barn envy! But I also want to read about Brimfield! I was there in Sept 08 and loved it!

  38. Beautiful photos of beautiful barns!

  39. What a treasure trove of barns you found! Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous, and I enjoyed seeing each and every one of those old character-filled barns.

  40. Oh my goodness, Liz, all of these barns are so charming and the surrounding countryside so beautiful!! It is hard to admit as a Texas gal, but those Yankees do know how to build a great barn!! Thank you so much for coming by and visiting with me. Have a happy weekend, dear friend~Vicki

  41. I love barns and I love New England - I'm having trip to New England envy :) TFS!

  42. Liz- thanks for stopping by my blog - and leaving such lovely comments. Your photos of New England barns are wonderful - great eye! Was in NE myself earlier in the summer for a family wedding - marveled at the architecture since its such a change from the Pacific NW. I'm just a midwest girl - with a southern boy as a partner, living on the west coast - how's that for a mix!

  43. Yep...Barns and Antiques...are the perfect combo...well maybe not the most perfect...I do like my Air Conditioned shopping better...but what a treat to see all those NE Barns and some of the antique joys you found.

    Thank you,



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