Sunday, February 28, 2010

Where a Garden of Kindness Blooms-Part 2

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. ~Author Unknown

Wolfgang Sauber; GNU Free Documentation License
If it were within my power, I would make each and every one of you Queen for the Day. Alas, that power is not within my realm of possibilities.

But I feel I would be remiss not to give royal recognition to a certain handful of wonderful ladies, who have given me a leg up in this blogging adventure of mine.

First, I would like to thank the witty and charming Kendall, of Finesse Your Nest.

Not only is her blog loaded with great ways to, well…finesse your nest, but her humorous style of writing will definitely make you smile. 

Recently, she so kindly featured the Brambleberry Cottage–during a weekly feature of some of her favorite blog newbies.

Thanks so much, Kendall, for finding the cottage noteworthy!

Then there's the daring, designing Kathy, at Creative Home Expressions, who chose the Brambleberry Cottage to be her Blog of the Week feature.

Kathy has enough creative ideas to keep us all busy for a very long time. Yet, she charitably shares the creative limelight with those whom she chooses to feature.

Where does she find the time for all those wonderful projects she shares? ; )

Thanks again, Kathy, for featuring the cottage!

Next, a special thanks to the domestic diva, Maryann, at Domestically Speaking, who chose one of the cottage's paint projects to spotlight.

Not only does Maryann share a bounty of her own great ideas with us, but her Power of Paint Party draws a creative and crafty crowd weekly who shares terrific ideas as well.

Wow!  Thanks, Maryann, for choosing a Brambleberry Cottage project to feature!

And I had only been blogging for eleven days, when the charmingly funny BJ, of Sweet Nothings...A Nesting Place, asked if she could introduce the Brambleberry Cottage to her readers.

What a thrill for this newbie that was!

BJ is quite a ham, who loves tempting everyone with her yummy-looking, sweet treats. She shares her family, home, and recipes with readers in a way that has them in stitches.

A big hug, BJ, for your kind introduction of the Brambleberry Cottage to Blogland.

I would also like to thank Kim, of the Daisy Cottage, for allowing me to showcase her lovely home on Day 5 of the Fourteen Days of Love.  

After visiting the inside of your charming cottage, we're all seeing red, Kim!  ; )

Have you ever visited Cindy at My Romantic Home? Her romantic vignettes keep many of us coming back for more...and often!

Even after being stretched between the time she spends photographing and composing those wonderful posts and working full-time, Cindy still graciously agreed to an interview with me here at the Brambleberry Cottage.

She was even sweet enough to let readers know about the interview on her own wonderful blog!

I very much appreciate the time you shared with me, Cindy!

And last, but in no way least, a huge thank you to the generous, sweet Susan, of Between Naps on the Porch. She hosts two wonderful blog events weekly, Metamorphosis Monday

and Tablescape Thursday...

and spends enormous amounts of time and energy providing us with the wonderful eye candy in her posts.  Plus, she works outside the home, as well.  She is one terribly busy bloggin' lady!

Yet, she has never hesitated to take time to answer my "newbie" questions.

Thank you for your unfailing generosity, Susan!

 Then, there's the sweet, talented group of ladies, whom I met and partied with during my Fourteen Days of Love Valentines's Party.  Ladies, thank you all for joining me in a marathon of fun!

Finally, a heartfelt thanks to all who have left sweet, encouraging comments on my posts.  You have blessed me far more than you will ever know.

Long before I ever experienced the charity firsthand, I had read about the profound kindness floating around the blogosphere. Being on this side of it now, I can assure you it exists…abundantly!

If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble. ~Bob Hope


  1. O, Liz...this is such a sweet and heartfelt post that it brought tears to my olden eyes. You have the talent to make us KNOW that you really feel these things...and for that, I thank you! For someone so new to blogging, you have brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people...OOO, and...AIN'T LIFE GRAND!!
    hugs, bj

  2. I have met with nothing but kindness, friendship, inspiration and encouragement in blogland and I am so happy to be part of it all. It is lovely people like you who make this such a special place.

  3. This was a very sweet post :) I so agree with you ... blogging is such a great way of meeting new friends that we would never have met. Thank you for being such a sweet blogging friend!

  4. Oh, thank you so much! Our blogging community got better with the sweet addition of you!!!

  5. Thank you so much! It's always a highlight in my day to know I've helped, encouraged or inspired another. The blogging world is at it's best when we encourage and bring out the best in one another.
    Thanks Again!

  6. are a sweetheart...what a wonderful post! I am always happy to help in any way I can. Thanks so much for your very kind words! You definitely got me all misty eyed. Big Bear Hugs!

  7. The honor was all mine - thank you again VERY much for all your sweetness and for being a beautiful soul here in Blogland.


  8. Liz -- Thanks so much for your sweet comments! It has been such a pleasure getting to know you (and the Yankee!) better and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your cottage and your projects. We have such a wonderful blogging community that I'm so proud to take part in. Thanks again!

  9. Wow, what a nice post! Your blog is a delight to visit, and I count myself glad to have found you! Here's to much happy and beautiful blogging ahead!

  10. Hi Liz, what a lovely just warms my heart.

    Barb ♥

  11. Hi, Liz...just to remind you that my post this evening for PINK SAT. is about you and your generous gift to me. :O)

  12. Hi Liz~~~

    I came from BJ's blog and she has the most wonderful things to say about you!! This is a very sweet post, very heartfelt and I love the quote by Bob Hope. Isn't it the truth?

    You have a lovely blog and I can't wait to visit more!! :-)


  13. G'morning, Liz..just wanted to say thanks for coming by. We'll have to do more posts on our signs. Can't wait to see some of yours!
    hugs, bj


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