Monday, January 18, 2010

A chip off the old...

If there's one thing the Yankee and I can always  usually occasionally agree on,
 it’s the addition of unique, decorative items to our little cottage and farmstead.

There's just something about rusty, crusty, chipped paint on metal

 or the flaky, timeworn patina of old paint on wood that adds...

such warmth and character to any décor. 

And...aren't those two traits essential to make any home more inviting?

Currently around my home—both inside and out—
there are quite a few relics of the past that have been
drafted into duty for everyday use. 

Oh, I know...that sort of decorative element isn't everyone's cup of tea. 
But, it works quite well here around our cottage farmhouse.

For instance, on one of our porches, we've used a number of items with
a fairly high degree of the chippy factor.

See the cute little table in front of the antique wicker settee above? 
It wears no less than three
different colors of old flaky paint

The ornate vintage smoking stand—used purely for its decorative appeal
is rusty and crusty and sports very little of its originally finish. 

its intricate scrolly design more than makes up for that!

The beadboard boxes, displayed on the table,
model lovely vintage patinas—each with varying degrees of chippyness. 

In this photo, you catch a glimpse of my collection of
vintage mourning baskets beside the settee—
some of them chippy, others near pristine. 

What makes it all work?

The freshly painted porch rails and floor,
coupled with the crisp white linens on the settee—accented by
a cushy, new down-filled pillow—provide a clean backdrop
for the older, weathered and worn elements.

To us, the built-in character a piece develops over time
is well worth the little imperfections it may exhibit.

Our desire at The Brambleberry Cottage is to have something—
even if it's a little thing—tucked here and there, around various areas of our home and farm,
 that makes us smile

something that reflects who we are and
what we want others to experience when they visit us. 

It's a matter of transforming a tiny cottage farmhouse
into an inviting home that radiates 
comfort, character, and hospitality

Shouldn't that be
what home is all about?   ; )


  1. Great vintage chippy things, I use to sell tons of chippy, green is a good color also

  2. I love rusty, chippy and flaky things! Your porch looks like a beautiful place to hang out! I especially like that green chippy box. Oooo and the pink one too!
    Happy VTT!

  3. Beautiful! I have a green farmhouse table and my dad always tells me it needs a new coat of paint!!

  4. Great porch! I love, love your chippy boxes!

  5. You did a remarkable job with all your vintage, chipped items. I would never have thought of that. You have a great showing for today's VTT.

  6. I totally agree; I love the chippy factor!

  7. O, Bramble...I love love this post. I so feel the same about adding things to our cottages that make us smile, that add that little bit of whimsey, that adds character to a room that makes YOUR cottage different from all the others. I LOVE THAT ! A room just doesn't EVER need to be boring. I am pretty sure other bloggers such as myself have learned a ton of good tips thru blogging. AIN'T IT FUN !!
    xo bj
    I'm not sure if I am a follower but I am checking and will be right now, if I'm not.

  8. Ok, I am now a follower...:O)
    I came over from Vintage Thingy...come by when you have time.
    On our PINK SATURDAY meme, we have been asked to share a blog that is new or new to us. May I share your's for this coming Sat.? They will all LOVE you!!
    xo bj

  9. Chippiness is essential! You took lovely pictures of your beautiful objects. Thank you for sharing :)

  10. What a lovely porch and such beautiful pieces. I love that look!

  11. Thank you so much bj for thinking my blog noteworthy enough to share with others! I would be honored. I'll be by to visit soon.


  12. Your things have a lot of character.

  13. Love your chippy pieces. They are all so charming :-)


  14. what a charming effect you have achieved!

  15. I would love to sit on your porch. It is exactly what I want my porch to look like when it gets finished.

  16. Oh, I totally agree....I love anything that is chipped, rusty and adds so much character to your surroundings. Loved your beautiful tour of your sun porch. Just super.

  17. OH WOW what a FAB post!!..i also share your LOVE of all things rusty & rustic!..i would feel very much at home amongst your eclectic treasures

  18. Oh I'm loving it all!!

    The chippier the better for me. =))


    barbara jean

  19. I think it is the art of combining the right chippy items with newer ones that makes a perfect setting. I loved your pictures!

  20. Hi! I really enjoyed this post, and I love all your chippy pieces. Those boxes, though, are my favorite. I have a weakness for boxes. Thanks for sharing.
    Mary Lou

  21. I love every bit of it! Looks like you've done a fantastic job of displaying it to. I'd love to have a tour, guess the closest to that will be going through some of your other posts.

  22. Lovely! Your porch says comfort...sit down and have a chat!

  23. Your porch is just beautiful with all of your chippy things. I enjoyed your post. I could feel the peacefulness from your photos. With such great pics, I'm sure the real thing is breathtaking!

  24. wow! beautiful photos.. really capture the vintagey, chippy beauty! thanks for sharing.. i love them all.. happy vtt

  25. I agree, very nice, serene photos; good job!

  26. Simply.....YOU ROCK! I COVET one of those boxes! Do you sell them? GORGEOUS!!!!!!

  27. What a BEAUTIFUL porch! I adore the way you styled it, and you're so right....a gal can never have too much white chippiness! :)

    xoxo laurie

  28. I have a question that it looks like you may have some expertise that could be helpful. I got a little rusted birdbath with perched birds that needs some work. I've done nothing with it, but was thinking I might paint it and then do a bit of sanding to make it more appealing. Have you done this or do you just gather pieces that are already done? Suggestions? Could you email me at if you have any ideas? Thanks!


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