Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time Travel Thursday #42 - It's Sick!

Welcome to the 42nd Time Travel Thursday linky party at the Brambleberry Cottage!

Are you ready to do some traveling?

Great; 'cause time never stands still!

As you've probably guessed by now, my poor computer is very sick!  I had a technician come to the cottage last Thursday to fix it, but it was in such bad shape, it had to go to the computer hospital.  And it's still there!  : (

I'm praying they can perform whatever operations are necessary to make it as good as new again—and save all the images that are still stored on my hard drive, WITHOUT a backup!  YIKES!!!

I'll come visit everyone when I can do so on my own computer and not a borrowed one.

But that doesn't mean you can't party.  So come on; let's get this party started!

If you link to the party, please link back to the Brambleberry Cottage on your blog. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Talented Time Travelers in Focus #40

But first, let's focus on some of the talent linked to last week's party.

Sarah @ THREE BOYS  is making a very special new dress for Vickie, and she has already painted Vickie's little arms and legs, in anticipation of the new outfit.   What?! 

Oh, don't worry; Vickie is just the gorgeous chair Sarah is giving a makeover!  lol

My longtime blogging buddy, Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions, is at it again!  She's famous for turning the mundane into the marvelous—like this simple wooden tray, she gave a chic French twist.

We bloggers find inspiration everywhere, right?  Well Lois @ Frugal Decor Mom found some at a local store and, with the help of family, created this terrific piece of wall art for her son's room.

When I was growing up, my sweet old country grandma used to say, "You just can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear!"  But those of us in Blogland know better.  ; )

Just visit Teresa @ Magazine Your Home for proof!

Here's a really cute way to use the various odd pieces of china and glass you might be tempted to toss.  Just do as Benita @ Butterflies & Seashells did and create yard art with them.

Hydrangeas and peonies are my very favorite flowering bushes, so I'm always scouting out new ways to display them around my home. 

Thanks to Claire @ Bless My Nest, I now have several new lovely ways to do just that.

What happens when you take several pretty pieces, gleaned from here and there, and marry them?  Why you end up with a happy union, of course—just like Lanell @ HOOT-N-NANNY, with this sweet little candy dish.

Are there limits to what you would be willing to do, to acquire just the right materials for that special project you envision?  Visit Anne @ BIRD/LIKE to see the wilds she was willing to brave to produce her lovely, unique signs.

Some creations are relatively inexpensive to make but look like a million when all is said and done.  That's a most befitting description for this fabulous mirror created by Mimi @ blue roof cabin!

Well, another week has drawn to a close!  And it's always so much fun to show off the incredible  talent displayed by you lovely travelers!  Now what do you have to show for yourselves this week?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Time Travel Thursday #41 - All of Creation Testifies

I'm having major computer issues...again!!!

I'll keep trying to get my post up.
In the meantime, please go ahead and link your posts to the party.

If you link to the party, please link back to the Brambleberry Cottage on your blog.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Talented Time Travelers in Focus #39


But let's also take a peek at some of the pretties linked by the participants of last week's party.

Grandpas are good for sooo many things—big bear hugs, lots of love, and surprise gifts. 

Christie @ Claremont Avenue has her grandpa to thank for the uniquely decorative piece above.  He presented it to her in its original state—as an old lantern-style light fixture.

Christie tweaked it, to create this unique and stylish candleholder.

One of the unexpected pleasures I've discovered through blogging is the opportunity to learn about other cultures—via my following friends from all over the world.  It's fun to observe the similarities and differences.

For instance, my blogging friend from India @ Adithis' Amma Sews and I both love to sew.  However, while she creates beautiful fashions, I prefer sewing items for my home.

Spring is popping up all over the blogosphere and Sue @ Sullivan and Murphy shared her china hutch all decked out for this much anticipated season. 

But it was the gorgeous transferware and ironstone that stole the show for me.

I'm always game for a good transformation project.  Aren't you?

Well, Lisa @ Recaptured Charm put faith in her transformation skills to bring a tired old piece back to life.  Was it worth it?  I would say so.

And that's a wrap for another fun party.  Now what creative endeavors are you linking this week?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time Travel Thursday #40 - A Step in the "Left" Direction


Welcome to the 40th Time Travel Thursday linky party at the Brambleberry Cottage.

Are you ready to do some time traveling?
Great—'cause time never stands still!

How would you feel about taking another little walk with me down the winding country road I live on?

First, let me remind you, I live in hill country, so while some of the stretch we'll travel will be flat, much of it will twist and turn and travel uphill and down.

But don't worry. I promise; I'll take it nice and slow, so you can leisurely take in the glorious sights and sounds...
and breath in the fresh country air. ; ) 

I dearly love all the picturesque scenery surrounding my quaint little cottage, and I want to share that breathtaking beauty with you—my friends!

Last month, you got a glimpse of some of the lovely landscape located to the right of my farm.  This time, our steps will take us in the opposite direction. 

My first neighbor, Ruth—down the road a bit from my place—isn't home, so I'm unable to introduce you this visit. 

But she's the sweet lady I told you about who took in our dog Frodo, a few years ago.

He abandoned us, shortly after we took him in, to go live with Ruth and her four other dogs.  He just couldn't resist the lure of so many "full-time playmates."

But he comes back often to visit —usually accompanied by at least one of those four-legged friends.

Ruth's sister, Doris, who lives on the next farm down, isn't home either.  But I'll call her fabulous equine beauties over and let you get a closer look.

Being able to pet these gorgeous creatures is one of the main reasons I enjoy walking in this direction.  Aren't they incredible?!

Awww!  I think I've embarrassed them—making over them so, in front of strangers.

As we round the next bend, past Pallie's house—yet another of Ruth's sisterswe're able to get a better panoramic view of some of the distant mountains. 

And though the trees in the foreground may fool you into thinking that this is an autumn scene, it's very much spring—as evidenced by the emerald green pastures in the midground.

Further down the road, we spot the old barn on Rhonda's farm.  Several knocks on her door without an answer indicate she's probably out riding one of her horses.

Cute little buildings like this one, on the opposite side of the road from Rhonda's place, are very common in my neck of the woods.  

Many were used as produce stands, at one point in time, but most stand empty now—just begging to be put to good use once again. 

I bet you could come up with more than a few creative possibilities for an over-sized dollhouse like that!  ; ) 

We've been walking for a while now.  Do you need to catch your breath?  Let's have a rest here on the bridge for a bit. 

I have an idea.  Why don't you close your eyes, and soak up the serenely soothing sound of the cool mountain water trickling lazily over these rocks. 

Ahhh!  Now isn't that the most incredibly relaxing sound?

If you think you're refreshed enough, we'll continue. 

As we venture around the curve and trek down the next hill, we spy this simple pole barn, just to our left.  

I love the way its straight lines contrast with the undulating hills of the landscape.

Besides beautifying the pasture it resides in, it also serves a practical purpose—as a place to keep the hay dry for these guys.

See all the brilliant greens of the pasture grasses that surround us?  That's a pleasant reminder that spring has most definitely sprung in these parts.

Wait!  Take a look behind you.  That is another of my very, very favorite country scenes

But since the Yankee and I STILL don't see eye to eye about my getting at least ONE cow, I have to live vicariously through my neighbors—who have an abundance of bovine beauties.

OK, now that we've reached this point of our journey—near the pair of ramshackle old barns at the end of the road—it's time to turn around and head back home.

See, I told you there were stretches of this road that were relatively flat.  Now all we have to do is head back up the hill to my little cottage farmhouse.

Of course...
what came down—you and I—must now go up! 

Hmmm.  Perhaps we'll take a few more breaks on the way back. 

What do ya think?  ; )

Linking to Susan's for Outdoor Wednesday, Mary's for Share the Love Wednesday, Tracie's for Cottage Flora Thursdays, and Cindy's for Show and Tell Friday.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Talented Time Travelers in Focus #38


But let's take a look at some of the creativity linked up last week first.

Sometimes it takes awhile for ideas to gel firmly in our minds.  But once the creative juices start flowing—watch out! 

That's exactly what happened to Lisa @ Lisa's Creative Designs, when she found this thingamajig in a local shop.  You'll have to pay her a visit to see what she did with it.

Do you possibly know someone who doesn't collect anything?!  I certainly don't.  And most of us enjoy sharing "why" we collect what we collect. 

The Happy Cottage Quilter @ JUST A LITTLE SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY shared her pretty collection of tea cups and pots—and a bit about her "why".

As I'm sitting here desperately trying to get this post put together, I find myself wishing I had followed the lead of Jessica @ utah county mom.  She custom made a board book for her little one to keep her occupied.

So why, at this very moment, am I wishing I had one of those cute books?  My precious two-year-old granddaughter is pulling and tugging on me wanting to play—while Grammy is trying to work.  ; )

Isn't this a wonderful way to embellish a cake in celebration of spring?  Not only did Emily @ THE FRENCH HUTCH decorate this lovely sweet treat, but she threw an entire "Happy Birthday Spring" party.

Well as always, there was lots of talent linked to the party.  So what ya got this week?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time Travel Thursday #39 - Butterflies & Blooms


Welcome to the 39th Time Travel Thursday linky party at the Brambleberry Cottage.

Are you ready for our next trip back in time and into the future?

Here we go!

I think the beautiful Swallowtail butterflies like my cottage blooms as much as I do!  ; )

Joining Mary for Share the Love, Susan for Outdoor Wednesday, Kathleen for White Wednesday, and Cindy for Show and Tell Friday.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Funny Faux Pas Follies #5 - And You Think You've Had a Bad Day!

Welcome to the finale of Funny Faux Pas Follies!

For four straight weeks now, you've been able to laugh with me—AND AT ME—over some of the royal blunders from my past.

Now here's one more chance for you to see what a real joker I can make of myself.

The particular day I'm sharing with you started out like any other typical Sunday in our household.  The family was up early, eating breakfast and getting ready for church.  But as you mothers of young children can attest to, getting ready for anything, when you have young children, involves you getting them ready along with yourself.  And on this day, like every other prior to it, I was doing just that.

We were within minutes of walking out the door, and I was slipping into my skirt and top and putting on the final touches for myself, like perfume, jewelry, and a few spritzes of holding spray for my hair—a necessity back then, to maintain my early 90s hairstyle.  The holding spray was normally the next to last thing to go on, just before I got dressed.  And I usually did all that while everyone else was loading into the car.

On this special day, I got quite a surprise during my "finishing touches" routine.  Instead of the several quick spritzes holding my hair in place, they soaked it to the scalp and caused it to fall flat.  I stood there in shock for a few seconds, watching my hair fall limp all around me.  There was no time to redo my do, so all I could do was get dressed and head for the car.

You see, I was the director of children for the church we attended and had to be there before everyone else arrived, so there was no way I could even play hooky.

I somehow knew that the incident involved my sweet son, Joshua—about eight years old at the time.  So, en route to the church, I asked him if he had used the holding spray while he was getting ready that morning.  And as I had suspected, he had.  When I asked him if he had done anything to the spray or the bottle—other than just use it—he innocently answered, "Well, there was only a little left when I was done, Mom, so I put water in the bottle for you, to give you more."  I was speechless for the remainder of the ride.

We arrived at the church, everyone headed off to their designated places, and I quickly headed to the children's area to make sure that everything was in order.  I remembered I was scheduled to make a presentation in the sancturary that morning, but I had to find time to visit the ladies room first—to see if I could salvage my hair disaster.  I did the best I could to remedy that problem and then darted off to the sanctuary to make my presentation.

I made my way down the large center aisle of the sanctuary, walked up about eight steps onto the platform and made my presentation.  Thank goodness, that part went off without a hitch.  I then walked back down that center aisle and back to the children's area.

As soon as I walked in the first door—leading to one of the infant nursery rooms—one of the female attendants took me aside to tell me that my skirt was unzipped.  COMPLETELY!!!  So not only had I just walked past this large congregation with hair less than properly coiffed, but I had done so with my skirt unzipped from top to bottom!

Now there are a few things you need to understand to be able to put this all into perspective. This was a fairly large church of several thousand members, and because of my position on staff at the church, I could never just slip in and out unrecognized.

And although not one other person mentioned the episode to me that day, I felt sure this nursery attendant was not the only one to have noticed.

Needless to say, I was more than a little ready to get home that day.  So as soon as possible after the service, I headed for the parking lot to wait for the rest of the family.  But when I got to the van, I got yet another surprise.  I couldn't get the key to work in the lock.  I tried one door and then another—but without success.  After the frustation began to subside, I realized it wasn't even my van.  It was merely a van that looked like mine!

I located our vehicle about the time the rest of the family arrived.  By now, I was REALLY ready to get home.  On the way back, I began contemplating the events of the day, and remembering the holding spray episode, decided to probe Joshua a bit more.  Happy April !st!

My son had always been a very honest person, so I knew he was not trying to deceive me, but I couldn't for the sake of me understand why he would have added water to the bottle.  When I asked him why he had done so, he matter of factly replied, "Because, that's what you always do, Mom.  When the ketchup or the salad dressing, or stuff like that starts running out, YOU add water."

Hearing that sweet, innocent explanation instantly made all the blunders of my day fade away.  And I was reminded that life is too short to sweat the small stuff.  AND BELIEVE ME, ITS ALL SMALL STUFF—in the true scheme of things!  ; )

Every day is a gift.  That's why they call it the present.—Unknown

Happy April 1st!